Workshops > DH in ten years from now - PARTHENOS 'foresight study workshop'DH in Ten Years From Now. PARTHENOS 'Foresight Study Workshop'Convenors: Mark Hedges (King's College London), Vicky Garnett (Trinity College Dublin), Sheena Bassett (PIN) ABSTRACT The PARTHENOS project is undertaking a ‘foresight study’, which is addressing how (digital) research in the humanities and related fields may develop over the next 5-10 years. This task is looking at the current situation, surveying trends (what is happening?), potentialities (what may happen?), requirements (what do we want to happen?), and obstacles (what may prevent this from happening?) in various sectors of digital research methods and infrastructures, addressing technological, scholarly, and socio-cultural-economic aspects. This session is one of a series of structured, interactive workshops being organised by the PARTHENOS team as part of its foresight work, and aims in particular to obtain input and feedback from a range of DARIAH stakeholders regarding developments in their particular sectors. The foresight study will feed into strategic R&D thinking within the EC, other funding bodies, and research organisations. This workshop will give participants the opportunity to make their opinions known and to influence these strategic developments over the coming years. |