Working Group Meetings > WG DH Course RegistryWG COORDINATORS Hendrik Schmeer (CLARIN-EU | CLARIN-NL)
WG DESCRIPTION The CLARIN/DARIAH DH Course Registry offers a map-based search environment that gives access to a database that contains information on Digital Humanities courses. It currently covers only (a selection of) DH courses offered by European academic organisations, but an extension of the Registry beyond Europe may be considered later. Students, lecturers and researchers can search the database on the basis of topographical information (location), ECTS credits or the academic degrees that are awarded. In addition it is possible to search for courses based on TaDiRAH, a taxonomy of Digital Research Activities in the Humanities (including labels for tasks, techniques and objects) and sub-disciplines from the Social Sciences and the Humanities (SSH). WG MEETING AGENDA (May 23rd, 09:00-11:00) •Introduction of the working group and its goals (for new members)
•Report on technical updates of the DH Course Registry
•Discussion on the future outreach & dissemination strategy
•Last preparations for the Metadatathon Workshop