22-24 May 2018 Paris (France)

Working Group Meetings > WG DIMPO (Digital Methods and Practices Observatory)


Costis Dallas (Digital Curation Unit, Institute for the Management of Information Systems, Athena Research Centre, GR & Faculty of Information, University of Toronto, CA)


The DARIAH Digital Methods and Practices Observatory WG (DiMPO) aims to develop and provide an evidence-based, up-to-date, and pragmatically useful account of the emerging information practices, needs and attitudes of arts and humanities researchers in the evolving European digital scholarly environment, for the benefit of the digital humanities research community. It seeks to achieve this objective through the inception of a longitudinal mixed methods research and monitoring programme on the information practices and scholarly methods employed in digitally-enabled arts and humanities work across Europe, and through the digital dissemination, validation and enrichment of research outcomes by the scholarly community. It takes forward the results and collective expertise of DARIAH VCC2 Task 2 – Understanding and expanding scholarly practice, it leverages prior research on scholarly information behaviour, computational methods taxonomies and scholarly activity modeling, and builds on the development of the first version of the NeDIMAH Methods Ontology (NeMO, http://nemo.dcu.gr) 

 WG MEETING AGENDA (May 23rd, 11:00-13:00)

  • Introduction
  • Scholarly practices survey - status report
  • NeMO methods ontology - status report 
  • DiMPO bibliography - status report
  • Qualitative interviewing/case studies project - status report, new members and action plan
  • Proposals for new DiMPO projects
  • DiMPO cooperation with other working groups, projects and initiatives
  • Member announcements
  • Any other business
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